Tuesday 17 July 2012

Day 78 - Self Forgiveness on the Informer Character

Continuing from yesterdays post: The Informer

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hide the secret character of the Informer from myself, as I have continually put on a per-form-ance in self-abuse through using and manipulating myself and others through perceiving information and knowledge to be of more value than life.  In such valuation, I have neglected myself as life, and so created a disastrous and terrifying existence where extreme suffering is accepted and allowed in our world, and considered normal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and portray myself as the Informer, as a character of myself within my world where I have believed my own lie, that I am doing good by promoting and spreading deception as lies of manipulated knowledge and information which is deliberately used to terrorize, abuse and destroy all life, all within the staring point of me fearing myself and fearing to take responsibility for who I really am as a physical being equal to all that exists.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become possessed by the Informer character and the knowledge and information I have used as leverage to always win, and gain power and control over others, which has caused extreme suffering in my world. I realize that this abuse must stop.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to become the Master Informer in which I have hidden the fact from myself that I actually desired this within the belief that I always wanted what was best for everyone, thus keeping me enslaved to the idea that I am/was better than everyone else in the physical reality, because I knew better, as my knowledgeable Informer confirmed for me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to have power over and pass judgement over others in my secret desire to have an energetic experience, where I desire to experience myself as a rush of blissful energy - in separation of all that is here as myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that life can exist within me if I allow spite and corruption to exist as my desire to have power over others.  I realize that this deception I have created for myself has limited me to such an extent that I do not even realize what I am sacrificing in order to perpetuate and animate characters such as the Informer and the Informant within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give authority of life over to a consciousness system/entity which I created, in spite of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create laws and systems that protect the lie of existence, that consciousness is life and everyone has free will to do what they want, to the extent that most believe it is ok to allow suffering, torture and abuse of life in our world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear questioning authority, as I as directive principle of myself here as Equal to all, must question and investigate everything to make absolutely certain that no abuse is ever allowed within my world and reality in any way.  If abuse exists, I must be aware of it so that I can correct the situation to align it with what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being punished, ashamed and ostracized.  I realize that these fears are an instrument of the mind used to control me so that I do not challenge the authority of consciousness and I remain enslaved to consciousness, as the trap I have created for myself in fear of facing myself as who I am as Equal to my world and reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being harmed and fear being killed.  I realize that these fears are showing me what I have accepted and allowed myself to become, as ruled by fear, and until I stop this fear within myself, fear will rule over me and others in my world.  I realize that the only way to stop all fears is to face myself and stand as the self-directive principle of myself as all here, and take responsibility for myself and all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire a reward within Spite.  I realize that any reward granted within this world is based on the starting point of spite, and therefore is of no value to life, as life needs no reward to be life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the Unknown and fear being Un-informed.  I realize that these fears do not support life, but rather support the suppression of life, as the accumulation of knowledge and power used to abuse and harm and protect those with money is absolute abuse of life.

I commit myself to no longer accept and allow myself to use this character, the Informer as a supplier of energy to feed systems of enslavement.

I commit myself to expose myself as the secret character of the Informant, so that I can forgive and correct myself to align myself with that which is best for all in all ways.

I commit myself to realize how performing and performance of the Informer and Informant characters as per the script in the acceptance of fear promotes the illusion of Life so that Life is never realized for REAL as the physical.

I commit myself do what is necessary to be done to stop all performances so Life can be born for real, without the need to be driven by fear and greed and lust for power.

I commit myself to realize that Equality is the actual manifestation of Life as equal consideration for everyone and everything in existence so that Life is supported - rather than destroyed through enslavement to fear. 

I commit myself to stand for Equality in all situations in order that I may create myself as Life, Equal to the physical as my creation as me.

I commit myself to realize that Equality is actually the best for all life, and so would actually be immeasurably better than what we exist as currently - as separated, suppressed and enslaved.

I commit myself to expose that Consciousness, as the manifestation of the Informer and the Informant within the minds of human beings - is the Evil perpetrator and starting point of performing characters that must be stopped at all cost.

I commit myself to show that Information is the manipulated reflection as the false interpretation and false perception of Self, which in turn creates a warped reality of atrocity leading to self-destruction.

I commit myself to show how Information is used to manipulate the money system and sustain the lie of consciousness so that people remain enslaved and unaware of who they really are and can be.

I commit myself to assist others to realize that the only way to stop the abusive money system is for each one to support an Equal Money System, within a real democratic system as 1 MAN - 1 VOTE.

See Also;

 Creations Journey to Life

Heavens Journey to Life

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