Tuesday 19 March 2019

Day 388 - Uncertain times

March 19

Moving forward. Anticipation. 
List problems real and potential. Foreseen obstacles.
Proactive – Looking to find ways to be more proactive

Hired a guy today for tomorrow.  Seems ok.  Struck me how he sounded so glad to be getting work, even though it is just one days worth.  Times are tough, so I can appreciate having work myself more now.  Getting the drywall done will be another step fwd.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deceive myself in self interest, seeking my own satisfaction above that of all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not make the best use of my time in alignment with the goals I would like to achieve in this life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not give back as much as I have been given.

Weather getting warmer.  Looks like big flooding ahead in the next few months in the U.S.  Could be bad for food production.  I suspect things will be getting more and more unstable in the near future.  Should be as prepared as I am able to be.  Would feel better if I were on a homestead where I could grow a lot of my own food.  Hard to imagine what things will be like over the next few years.  We shall see. 

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