Saturday 8 December 2012

Day 126 – Redefining Good and Bad


Good vs Bad


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire ‘feel good’ or positive energy experiences for myself in polarity to ‘feel bad’ or negative energy experiences of myself in self interest – as the good generating the bad and vice versa in a perpetual cycle of enslavement.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold the perception of, and label various experiences as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ relative to ‘how I feel’ within the context of seeing myself as separate, rather than simply moving myself though all situations and walking through each and every experience within and as breath - for the one purpose of Equalizing myself and my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to avoid perceived bad/negative experiences in self interest, not realizing that these experiences must be addressed and dealt with so that I can take responsibility for myself in effectively creating myself as what is best for all in all situations.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to e-valuate events, processes, appointments, situations as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ within the context of how I feel about the situation, rather than aligning them relative to whether or not they support (or do not support) what is best for all, and therefore aligning all of my decision making within that context, so that I can change and align myself within the principle of Equality, and create myself as Equal to Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be enslaved to consequence as the revenge of the ego, where I participate in patterns of the past based on what I accepted and allowed in the past – through self judgement and lack of self-forgiveness - because I believe myself to be in debt to the system of consequence, as believing myself to be less than consequence which I have created rather than deal with consequence as equal to myself as what is here.


I commit myself to base all my decision making processes within the context of best for all or not best for all.

I commit myself to align all of my perceptions to the single starting point of whether or not it supports Life.

I commit myself to face and deal with all situations, events, processes, and appointments that must be dealt with without procrastinating and leaving things to the last minute.

I commit myself to becoming effective as possible within creating myself as Equal to myself here as a physical being.

I commit myself to align all of my desires to be only that which is common sense in supporting Life as what is Best for All.

I commit myself to face all patterns of enslavement within myself so that I can direct myself to stop participating in limited patterns based on the past, and so that every action and movement I participate in is self-directed as supporting Life as Equal in all ways.

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