Wednesday 23 March 2016

Day 249 - Anger Dimensions Pt. 2


I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that Anger prevents us from listening, as we are existing in our thoughts when we are in Anger, and thus unable to hear, learn, communicate effectively, or understand anything.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sustain massive amounts of coiled up and compressed anger within myself, and so feed off of the energy of that Anger, and use it as a means of suppressing myself and my real expression here as an Equal.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use coiled up, repressed, and compressed anger within myself as a mental weapon to inflict harm onto myself and others in thought, as self-sabotage and self-hate which manifests physical consequence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed anger and rage to suppress myself and so manipulate how I perceived myself, thinking of and defining myself as anger/angry.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, as a child, be Angry with myself and others because of the abuse I endured as a child where person X would get directly in my face and scream at at me for whatever it was that I was doing wrong which I cannot remember now.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, have thoughts of killing person X because I hated person X so much and wanted person X to die, thinking that I would be so happy if person X died because I accepted and allowed myself to be controlled by anger inside myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, repress myself (a construct which persisted throughout my entire life) because of this Anger that remained suppressed within me, because I did not know how to voice myself and feared standing up for myself as a child, fearing death or more harm would come to me.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, realize the extent to which child abuse and Parental Conditioning/Bullying/Punishment would impact my life experience - because I did not realize that it was necessary for me to forgive myself, and stand to put an end to this type of abuse.  I realize that Parental Conditioning/Bullying/Punishment not only exists within me and my family, but others also, and therefore it must be exposed and corrected.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, develop a character of extreme internal conflict and Anger, because of the Anger that existed within person X, that being the personification of the inner frustrations and Anger of the entire world as pressurized systems of suppression and enslavement.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, fear bringing up the situation with person Y, for fear that I would suffer more abuse, hate, and humiliation from person X.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, hate the world because I did not stand up for myself within seeing the solution to the problems I had as a child within an abusive situation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, believe it is OK to just forget about it and sweep these experiences under the rug as if they never happened, when in actuality they have serious consequences throughout my own lifetime as well as others and therefore must be forgiven and corrected so that abuse of Life is no longer tolerated in any way shape or form.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, program myself to be directed and controlled by Anger, wherein I learned to use Anger as a point of intimidation of others so that I could manipulate others to achieve my own self-interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a child, create Anger as a personality type separated from who I am so that I would not have to take responsibility for my reactions/emotional outbursts of Anger.  This within the excuse that 'I was Angry' or 'I got very Angry' or 'He/She made me Angry'.  I realize it is my responsibility to stop the creation point of Anger and contributing factors within myself.

I commit myself to take responsibility for my reactions of Anger and all the emotions and feelings that contribute to the main construct of Anger.  That is to, when and as I see Anger arise within me, I slow myself down, breathe, and change/correct myself to not be moved by it, but direct the energetic reaction through the physical so that I may discharge the energy, and so be able to see clearly the situation, to be able to deal with it in a way that is Best for All Life.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, while I was a teenager, become so Angry within myself, that the energetically charged thoughts would create friction, conflict, anxiety, and stress within my physical body resulting in tiredness, self-suppression, rebellion, distrust, enmity, rage, judgments, aversion, insecurity, uncertainty, blame, suspicion, irresponsibility and desires for outlets of these systems through the use of substances such as alcohol and drugs.

I realize that substance abuse is not necessary to express myself, and that there is far more to life than just 'trying to be cool' and/or protecting an image that 'I am tough' or 'I can handle all of this self-abuse', or that 'I abuse substances to prove to myself and others that I am an adult', or to show others 'how fucked up I am' in order to get attention for myself, and/or have an outlet for the compounded Anger I harbored within myself because I was fully aware of my own self-dishonesty within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, while I was a teenager, get drunk, and within that state make foolish decisions such as over-reacting in Anger and starting a fight, in what I perceived as a threat when someone glared at my girlfriend.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, while I was a teenager, consume alcohol to try to hide my true expression in fear that I would not measure up, or be too boring, or not be cool enough. I realize that this fear only resulted in me acting foolish and doing and saying things that did not in any way accurately express who I am.  I realize that this resulted in me becoming even more Angry with myself, thus compounding my Anger towards myself and others whom I blamed.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, while I was a teenager, use alcohol because I believed I could use it as a means of hiding my true expression which I feared others would reject... thus compounding my Anger towards myself and others.

I realize that this fear of rejection stems from me not knowing myself, not being honest with myself, and not accepting and allowing myself to trust myself in self-honesty.  I realize that if I were to do so, that I would be self-confident in who I really am, as who I really am as an Equally valued being, is self-evident.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a teenager, exist within an inferiority complex, and thus fear I would be exposed as being 'less than' and/or a 'loser'.  I realize I chose the 'loser' personality in self-righteousness because I judged 'winners' as egotistical, false, and abusive - thus I fell into the trap of my own making, further compounding my Anger towards others and myself.

I realize that this perception I had of myself was based on social norms, the family system, and the education system, where people are programmed to believe that youth have little to no value, because they do not have money and/or 'experience', which is equated to power in society.  I realize that this concocted perception is complete bullshit.  Thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a teenager, fall for the illusion which is not/was not the real me, which is why I am taking responsibility to expose this false perception here within self-forgiveness so that I may release the compounded Anger within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, as a teenager, abuse alcohol, and within that state allow myself to get Angry with myself and others and start fights for petty reasons.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, while I was a teenager, get unnecessarily Angry with my friends when I thought that they had betrayed me within speaking behind my back. I realize that I did not consider my options at the time and how I could have corrected the perception/situation through talking it out calmly, using self-forgiveness in understanding the actuality of the situation - where I am no better/worse than anyone.

I also realize that it was my own insecurity pointing out the fact that I was being dishonest with myself, not understanding who I was within my relationships, thus fearing I would lose friendships, or end up being disliked and not having any friends.  Thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, as a teenager, fear that I would be disliked and not have any friends.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in adulthood, further develop and compound my Anger and hatred towards those who sought to be wealthy, rich, and/or considered themselves 'elite' as 'better than'.  I realize that this Anger was me judging others rather than seeing what I was doing to myself - which was self-suppression as a form of revenge - stemming from my own internal conflict as Anger.  Thus, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress myself in attempting to exact revenge on others, and thus judging others while not seeing my own participation in what I was doing to myself, which was equally dishonest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in adulthood, become Angry with employers because I felt as though they were mistreating me, through treating me as if I were a slave that had to do whatever they wished. I realize that I placed myself in this situation, through abdicating the opportunities I had, and squandering my time and resources within selfish pursuits such as drugs, alcohol, video games, religion, etc etc. thus I placed myself in a position of inferiority, through not taking responsibility for myself to realize, understand, research, achieve, and live my fullest potential for myself, and I did not consider how consequence actually plays out within the physical reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in adulthood, become Angry with myself, for accepting and allowing myself to play 'the fool' within my life experience.  I realize that there were times in which I relished the enjoyment, and yet I did not fully grasp/possess or create the foresight to see the 'how' and the 'why' of what I was creating for myself, and what consequences would play out within my lifetime, as the creation of resentment and regret.  Thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to, in adulthood, create a future of regret for myself because I did not consider the intricacies of how I was creating my life, nor did I foresee the consequences of self-dishonesty.  Thus I commit myself to from here forward, move myself to create only that which is in alignment with that which honors Life as what is Best for All Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in adulthood, create Anger within myself through looking back at my life experiences, and seeing how I have neglected to correct myself effectively to stand in complete self-honesty with myself as All.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in adulthood, become Angry with myself in the sense that I tense up, have a mini-tantrum, and throw, kick, punch, slam, and break physical objects.  I realize that these little outbursts are me still wanting to escape my responsibility to stand in self-honesty and realize what is being communicated within a given situation.  I commit myself to when these 'little anger tantrums' arise.. stop myself and breathe to release the energetic build up within myself back into the physical, so that I may investigate, see, realize, and understand what it is that the situation is supporting me to consider.  It is not necessary for me to submit myself to little outbursts of Anger, but rather it is an opportunity for me to slow myself down to a point where I can direct the energy effectively, and use the opportunity to support myself to transcend enslavement to energetic reactions.  I realize that trusting the physical as support for myself is key here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, in adulthood, be directed and controlled by Anger by way of self-devaluation because I have devalued myself based on my financial status/position within society.  I realize that this Anger, as projected fear of circumstances which may or may not befall me in the future is a mentally constructed illusion in which I have deceived myself.  This illusion resonates fear which actually creates that which I am fearing.  Thus, I commit myself to when and as I see myself going into a pattern of Anger based on a projected fear of 'what will happen to me if I do not have enough money'... to stop, breathe, and stop all projected fears of the future, realizing that these projected fears are illusions and me not trusting myself as the physical reality which is here as me.  I realize that there is no point in fearing the future as that will not help me.  What I can do is stop creating more fearful consequences for myself in this moment, and learn to trust myself as the physical reality.

Rather than be Angry with myself, I choose to be here with myself, enjoying and applying myself in each moment that has been given to me, so that I may integrate myself within and as the physical reality as Equal to Life.

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