I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be greedy, in that I fear sharing myself, in and as the fear of my own self judgments and the judgments of others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that I will be a burden to others, as within the belief that I am not good looking enough, smart enough, wise enough, tall enough, important enough etc. and therefore hide myself in greed, as repressed ambition.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to greed after possessions, money, and material things, rather than agreed with others to create a world that is shared Equally and Best for All, at all cost.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be greedy, in that I allowed myself to seek after the spiritual nature, to the detriment of the physical nature. I realize that I have repressed my own ambition, and allowed myself to easily give up, because in the back of my mind I believed I was separate from this existence, and therefore justified to do whatever I wanted to, not realizing that I have a responsibility to everyone else in this reality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to partake of the greed of self interest, in thinking primarily about myself in personal aspirations... and when they failed, self-pity and blame. This as opposed to me taking initiative to create Equality of Life for All, in spite of my emotions and self interested desires.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear how others will judge me, and what others will think of me if I share who I am, and what I stand for. I realize this fear is rooted in me not truly understanding the nature of my reality, in that our judgments are a reflection of ourselves and our inner fears. If I am offended by the judgments of others, then I must look within myself to see where I am not being self honest, and correct myself in self forgiveness.
I commit myself to, rather than be subject to fear, stand in the face of fear refusing to be bullied by fear as the judgments of others.
I Aspire to realize Self Honesty and Self Acceptance within myself as I push myself to transcend all mental delusions of Greed and so stand within and as the physical reality here as breath.
I Aspire to direct myself in the will to create awareness within myself as the will to stand for Equality of Life Unconditionally.
I Aspire to live breath by breath so that I may catch myself whenever I see that my mind as thoughts, feelings, and emotions begin to try to take over my awareness in attempts to distract me from being here.
I Aspire to forgive and change all systems of greed within myself, so that I may do what is necessary to be done to correct inequality within myself and in my world.
I Aspire move myself to create practical solutions that will improve quality of life such as sustainable, communal living conditions, and responsible, holistic, businesses rather than profit driven corporations and institutions.
I commit myself to create Aspirations within myself as goals that will assist myself and others within the process of standing as Equals and supporting each other to change
I Aspire to change this world - from a world of greed, to a world in agreement - on the One Principle that will manifest Heaven on Earth - The Principle of Equality
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