Wednesday 8 August 2012

Day 97 - Favoritism

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Believe I must have Favorites so that I can Compete for the Attention of others in the Desire to be appreciated and Cared for - Not realizing that this Desire is actually Fear of Not being Accepted as who I am, and so within Acting on this Fear of Myself, I have Forsaken my True Self for an Imagined Favorite Character.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Believe that having Favorites makes me Unique and Special.  I realize Life does not require Favorites to be Life, and that all Ideas, Opinions, Personalities, Tastes and Preferences that do not serve the Best Interest of ALL are based on Fear of Myself, and as such can only harbor Greed, Selfishness, Self-Deception and Death

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Live a Lie - using "I have Favorites" as an Excuse to Justify my Selfish Desires as my Lust for Special Attention as a Personality/Character in Spite of others and in Fear of Facing myself as who I really am - as the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Believe I can abuse Favors in obvious and subtle ways to get My Way for Myself, as you scratch my back... or kiss my ass, and I will return the Favor - Using the Excuse that 'Everyone else does it', therefore I will be able to escape Consequence, knowing with absolute certainty that I cannot possibly escape myself, or the Consequences I have created for Myself, and Others in my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Justify the use of Favors as being Good and Kind and Positive, not taking into Account the Deceptive Nature of Favoritism, as Irresponsible and in Spite of Life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to Trust in the Favor of a 'Higher Power' as the Justification for my abuse of Favor.  I realize that any Hierarchical Structure is nothing but a Trap of Absolute Enslavement.

I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that the current Money System as Capitalism is the Manifestation of the Abuse of Life through accepted and allowed Separation through Favoritism.

I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to See and Understand that Parents are the Progenitors of Favoritism through Favoring their offspring, in whom they Indoctrinate Lies, Fears and Suppression of Life through the blasphemy of Love.

I commit myself to Realize that if everyone was Equally Favored, there would be no need of Favor, or of God, or of Love, as All would be Equal to Life, and therefore All would be Free from All Enslavement, from All Fear, and from All Limitation.

I commit myself to Understand the difference between Living Common Sense as what is Best for All and Spiteful Favoritism.

I commit myself to Forsake False Characters as Personalities and so stop the Fear of Myself, so that I can Stand Equal to All and to Life

I commit myself to Expose how Favoritism is Fear in Contempt of Life

I commit myself to Show how we have accepted and allowed Imaginary Characters to Dictate a Hierarchical System of Abuse, and in so we have in Absolute Arrogance Dared to call this Life.

I commit myself to Expose that Favor is the Delusion of Free Choice, where we Think and Believe the Lie that it is OK to Selfishly Choose whatever Flavor of Character we Desire - because A-Parent-ly that is what we 'Like' - without ever considering the Starting point which creates the Destructive Patterns of Lust for Sweet Flavor Despite CONsequence.

I commit myself to Realize that it is through Favoritism that Enemies and Wars are Created, and that an Equal Money System would release us from the Bonds of Favoritism so that Heaven on Earth could be created for Real in the Physical.

1 comment:

  1. Miss your daily blogs William! What the hell is going on in Canada? lol
