Wednesday 7 November 2012

Day 99 – Equality Means Sharing


Life is to be shared.  There is nothing more enjoyable than sharing.  So why do we support a system of competition that actually punishes us for sharing?  What if everything was shared, in essence free?  We would actually have nothing left to share but ourselves.  Everyone would have everything, rather than a few having more than enough, and half the world in poverty.  


The money system rewards selfishness and greed, to the extent that we are so afraid of the system we created, we feel compelled to bully and backstab each other to ensure our survival.  This leads to thoughts like “If I get more (money, value, respect) for myself, I will be more happy”…this is the trap, and it is the opposite to real enjoyment – sharing.  


We value ourselves by how much stuff we own.  Sure we share a little bit, with those we ‘trust’, yet that is simply done to boost our ego’s and pacify our feelings of guilt, because we know deep down that we have been selfish.  Why do we want to be “looked up to” by others, or to be seen as “special” or “important”, or “valuable”... better than others… as if we desire to be better than life itself? 


Equality means Sharing, and the Equal Money System will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to share, in what life has shared with us freely. 


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear sharing myself with others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear myself and who I really am as a physical being, and in so, choose to play the role as a character that would grant me higher standing within the system, so that others would look up to me as being more valuable.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a system where sharing is punished, and selfishness is rewarded.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hide myself and suppress myself in fear of myself and fear of being judged by others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being honest with myself in fear of what others might think of me.


I commit myself to supporting a system that supports sharing, to not accept and allow a system that rewards selfishness

I commit myself stand for Equality of life for all, so that everyone can have equal opportunity to share

I commit myself to walk the process of self-forgiveness until all realize that sharing is the only way to exist

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